A Synergistic approach

  • Brain Mapping

    Using qEEG, we measure your brainwaves and can show areas where there is too little or too much activity, as well as areas that are not fully engaged or processing efficiently.

  • Brain-Training

    Using data from your brain map, coupled with your personal experience & goals, we create a customized treatment protocol to restore balance in your brain & your life. Neurofeedback and neuromodulation, also referred to as ‘brain training’, is a non-pharmaceutical, natural treatment option to heal your body & mind.

    Whether processing trauma, setting goals, or learning & utilizing new skills— you can make the most of your time and energy while maximizing results.

  • “Trauma-informed treatment should also be brain-informed treatment - and not just to know that the brain is an issue, but to work with it directly.” -Sebern Fisher