the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and the art & science of healing
Build awareness of how emotion and sensation play a constant role of informing how we feel, act, move & make sense of the world. Our bodies keep the history of our lived and unspoken experiences. The more we connect, the more we can experience its wisdom & depth.
Many of us are drawn to connect with nature in some way. Whatever your connection is - a higher power, an outlet, a space to ground, or a source for some wisdom to be expanded - we can begin exploring your relationship with the natural world.
Somatic Experiencing
A body-oriented approach to working with traumatic experiences and their imprints on our nervous system. Somatic Experiencing uses interoception and proprioception as core elements of navigating and moving toward healing trauma and stress disorders.
what I offer…
Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly 60-90 minute sessions
Learn to listen to your body and build your agency
Gain stability through presenting challenges
Explore mind-body practices to deepen experience, integration & healing